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A Medication Shortage and Optimizing Brain Health to Manage ADHD

Updated: May 2, 2024

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic developmental condition that typically begins before the age of 12 years old and often continues into adulthood. The condition involves symptoms like poor concentration, difficulty sustaining attention, avoiding tasks, losing things, getting easily side tracked, being disorganized, making mistakes, difficulty listening and impulsivity. These symptoms cause significant distress to the individual and occur in more than one setting (such as at work and at home).

Over the past year, it has become increasingly difficult for patients to access their prescribed medications for ADHD. The problem exists across the immediate and extended-release formulations of certain medications. A variety of factors have contributed to pharmacy shortages nation-wide. Some of these may include living in a society with supply chain not meeting demands as well as increased accessibility to stimulants. While the FDA is doing its best to keep the public updated about which manufacturers have a sufficient supply, many people are encouraged to lean on behavioral modifications and therapeutic techniques to manage their symptoms of ADHD.

In any regard, using these strategies can help to enhance an existing ADHD treatment regimen and help to get individuals through times when availability of their medications are limited.

4 Tips for Managing ADHD symptoms by improving brain health:

1. Maintaining routines.

You have heard it a million times, but one must not underestimate the power that consistent sleep, healthy eating habits, and exercising regularly has on brain health. Maintain a healthy brain and sustain your focus.

2. Managing other health problems.

ADHD symptoms can present similarly to other health conditions such as hypothyroidism, learning disorders, vision or hearing problems, seizure disorders, sleep disturbances, and more. Regular checkups with your primary care provider may help to holistically maintain a healthy brain and body.

3. Therapy

Maladaptive behaviors often compensate for longstanding attentional difficulties. Regular visits to a therapist may help you discover a new perspective and develop alternative solutions to help sustain focus. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often problem based and may provide solutions to help improve brain health

4. Mindfulness and meditation

Incorporating mindfulness into daily routines helps train the brain to slow down and process the moment. Repeated sessions of mindfulness throughout the day do not have to last more than a few minutes at a time, but the benefits are significant for retraining the brain to form healthier connections- ultimately improving focus and concentration as a result.

A psychiatrist or therapist at Brightland Health can help you through this shortage of ADHD medications and encourage healthy habits to improve your overall brain health to help overcome the symptoms of ADHD Call now or book online today.

Check the FDA website to learn more about the shortage of ADHD medications.


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